Endoscopic Spine Surgery South Australia
What is ESS?
- Endoscopic spine surgery (ESS) is an ultra-minimally invasive (keyhole) form of spine surgery, combining tiny incisions with high-definition endoscopic visualisation of spinal anatomy and pathology.
- Encompasses discectomy, decompression/laminectomy and even spinal fusion.
Why consider ESS?
- Less trauma to the muscles and soft tissue on approaching the pathology.
- Less post-operative pain related to the procedure itself.
- Quicker recovery and return to activities (such as driving and work).
- Shorter hospital stay (day cases possible).
- Reduced surgical risks (including dural tear/CSF leak, infection and bleeding).
- Tiny incision (~8 mm).
- Equally as effective as open surgery from a pain resolution perspective.
- Recurrence rate of disc herniation is no worse than open surgery.
- Can be done under local anaesthesia, making ESS an option for patients who would otherwise be deemed too high-risk for a general anaesthetic.
ESS Limitations:
- Cannot replace traditional spine surgery in the setting of severe spinal deformity, mechanical instability and trauma.
- Only performed by highly trained Spinal Surgeons (ESS is an evolving field of spine surgery).
- Long term outcomes are still being determined.
How is ESS performed?
- ESS requires specialised equipment (endoscopic spine stack and endoscope), which is presently only available at The Memorial Hospital.
- Dr Tsimiklis uses the joimax® full endoscopic spine surgery system, which is state of the art and market-leading equipment.
- Support through industry with distribution of joimax® equipment by LifeHealthcare.
- Ongoing education and keeping up to date with research through the Endoscopic Spine Academy.
The Future of ESS
- Growth of the ESS community in SA (training of other Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeons and Neurosurgeons with support by Dr Tsimiklis).
- Further development in advanced ESS techniques including cervical and thoracic spine surgery.
- Procurement of necessary equipment through SA Health so that public patients can also benefit from ESS both at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre.
Videos about ESS
- Interview by the Neurosurgical Research Foundation (NRF) with Dr Tsimiklis regarding Endoscopic Spine Surgery.
- Presentation by Dr Tsimiklis delivered at Therapia Sports and Spine regarding Endoscopic Spine Surgery.
- Dr Tsimiklis' “Update on Endoscopic Spine Surgery in South Australia” presentation for NRF Research Showcase 2024.
- Transforaminal endoscopic lumbar discectomy (TELD): Video demonstrating the most common endoscopic technique used by Dr Tsimiklis for management of lumbar disc herniation.
- joimax® website: Patient testimonials, statements from surgeons, animated procedure videos and live surgery recordings.
ESS Links
- ESPINEA: Endoscopic Spine Academy.
- joimax®: The company that makes the endoscopic spine stack that Dr Tsimiklis uses.
- LifeHealthcare: The company that distributes the joimax® stack to hospitals and has supported Dr Tsimiklis with his ESS education/training.
If you would like an opinion from Dr Tsimiklis regarding your spinal condition and suitability for endoscopic spine surgery, you may send a message via our enquiry form on the contact page or obtain a formal referral from your GP to see Dr Tsimiklis.